The Real Truth About What Causes Cancer and Why Doctors Constantly Ignore It

In 1971 President Nixon and Congress declared war on cancer. So what’s happened in the 40 years since? After weeding out the hype and filling in the actual statistics, it turns out, not much.

One would think that applying all that modern science has to offer over the last 40 years would have brought us far closer to eradicating cancer. Just compare it to other technology areas. Our cell phones now are more powerful computers than the largest supercomputers of the time.
But instead, cancer rates have increased during that span of time, and now surpass heart disease as the number one killer of Americans between the ages of 45 to 74. The odds are now very high that you or someone you know has cancer, is dying or has already died from it.

Why has “the War on Cancer” Failed so Miserably?

Writing for the Skeptical Inquirer, Reynold Spector lists the following six reasons for the failure:
  • We don’t understand the cause/pathogenesis in most cases of cancer
  • Most treatments (except surgery) are nonspecific cell killers and not “smart”
  • Clinical trials and the grant system don’t foster innovation
  • Screening for useful drugs against cancer cells has not worked
  • Animal models of cancer are often inadequate
  • Unproductive “fads” in research come and go
However, while these may factor into the equation of failure, I believe this list is yet another example of exactly what’s wrong with the entire system, which is: ignoring the fact that cancer is likely a man-made disease caused primarily by toxic overload.
Just a few months ago, I wrote about a fascinating study into ancient mummies that determined cancer is not a “natural” disease at all, and genetics are not a primary factor. Tumors were extremely rare until recent times, when pollution and poor diet became issues. So why are the medical and science communities, by and large, ignoring these basics?
Watch this video for more information on why “the war on cancer” has proven to be more complicated than scientists and doctors first thought:

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